It is an Apostolate made by a group of lay Catholic people committed to the service of evangelization and formation through prayer, taking the viaticum to the sick, accompanying spiritually in the illness, pain, loneliness and mourning, taking as a model Jesus on the cross.
Our mission is to support the patient comprehensively, on the doctrinal basis of the Holy Catholic Church, facilitating the encounter of the patient with his family, health professionals, health structures and to promote a more humane and Christian culture in the face of suffering, disability, defense of life, agony, and pain.
Objectives & Values
To offer spiritual support through the accompaniment of the priest and/or members of the pastoral care and/or extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion in situations of illness.
Members Profile
- Be humble and open-hearted servants.
- To bring the church and our parish closer to those families and people who are living difficult moments of illness, loneliness, and abandonment.
- Carry and be the face of the Christian community.
- Be a messenger and a bridge between our community and the sick.
Our Meetings
Contact the Pastoral Care coordinator for information.
How to participate?
Contact the Pastoral Care coordinator for information.
Languages in which program is available
English, Italian, and Spanish
Pastoral Care
The pastoral care team of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer would be pleased to visit and bring the Eucharist to the sick members of our Parish.
Pastorale della Salute
Il gruppo pastorale della parrocchia Maria madre del Redentore sarebbe lieto di visitare e portare l'Eucaristia agli ammalati della nostra parrocchia.
Pastoral de la Salud
El equipo voluntario de la pastoral de la salud de la parroquia Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, estará encantado de visitar y llevar la Eucaristía a los enfermos de nuestra parroquia.
- Gladys Alvarez Varela & Ricardo Rosero
- Phone number: 403.680.7717 / 403.690.7772
- Email: /